Navigate GCC set up and expansion with local expertise and precision

At wAI to Operate we facilitate a smooth start to scale journey, overseeing each phase with precision. From the initial stages of conceptualization and planning to the operational phase and eventual transfer, we prioritize efficiency and success.  

With meticulous management and strategic oversight, we ensure seamless evolution and optimal outcomes. Our expertise ensures that every aspect of the project lifecycle is handled with attention to detail, fostering growth and achieving objectives.  

With a commitment to excellence, we navigate challenges and opportunities, empowering clients to embark on their growth journey with confidence and assurance.  

Operating Model

Our Expertise 

Strategic Planning and Development

We work closely with you to devise a comprehensive strategy tailored to your needs that includes talent architecture & intelligence. We support in identifying the right infrastructure and SMART office spaces across major cities and satellite towns with robust tech architecture

Operational Excellence

Our team provides smooth talent readiness throughout the project lifecycle, maximizing efficiency and productivity in a sustainable ecosystem

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond project completion, with continued 24×7 support and maintenance services assuring zero downtime

Transition Support

From initial setup to the final transfer, we offer dedicated support to ensure a seamless transition of people and assets

Knowledge Transfer and Training

We provide extensive training and knowledge transfer sessions to empower your team with the necessary skills, expertise and knowledge and ensure cultural fitment